For Employers

Career Center staff can help employers recruit and train employees. The staff will screen candidates from a computerized job matching “Talent Bank”, provide assessment of the individuals, and arrange for you to interview those individuals who meet your requirements. Mini-job fairs may be arranged through the Business Services Unit. Salary reimbursement and other incentives may be provided in exchange for hiring and training new employees.

The Workforce Partnership offers the following services for Employers:

  • Employee Training Grants – Salary reimbursement and other incentives may be provided in exchange for hiring and training new employees.
  • Customized training may be available to upgrade existing employee skills.
  • Vocational and skills training including certifications in demand occupations.
  • Screening and referral of qualified applicants to address your staffing needs.
  • Labor Market information.
  • Businesses will be provided with free use of our Career Center’s conference rooms and office facilities to conduct recruiting, interviewing and other staffing functions. Register your available job openings with us – we have many qualified candidates.
  • Access to job seekers who have been trained at local schools in a variety of state-of-the-art occupational areas.
  • The opportunity to consult with a Business Services Specialist to discuss strategies and develop business solutions.
  • The most up to date information regarding funding opportunities and other resources available to business through the Long Island Regional Business Services Team of New York State Department of Labor.
  • Ability to register available job openings. You may download the Job Order Form to register your openings.
  • Salary reimbursement and other incentives may be provided in exchange for hiring and training new employees.
  • Customized training may be available to upgrade existing employees.

All these choices make it a smart business decision to call us and let us help with your staffing requirements!

Contacts: Brian Yetman
Phone: 516-797-4209
Fax: 516-797-4565