Focusing on Employment for Youth

Focusing on a career for the future can seem overwhelming to a young person who is trying to make that decision. In our Career Guidance section of this website we have highlighted the anticipated Hot Jobs and high-growth industries on Long Island in the coming years. In the Biotechnology and Health Career Industries section we have provided a link with comprehensive information about these two fields. But, how do you know which if any of these careers are right for you? There are many self-assessment resources available to help you determine how best to match your talents and interests with the skills needed for these jobs.

Before we get to those, however, the U. S. Department of Labor Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS) has identified Workplace Know-How as containing five general competencies needed for solid job performance, no matter what career path you choose.

These SCAN skills are:

  • Resources: identifying, organizing, planning and allocating resources.
  • Interpersonal: the ability to work with others.
  • Information: acquiring and using information.
  • Systems: understanding complex inter-relationships.
  • Technology: working with a variety of technologies.

In addition to these necessary skills, you can determine your personality traits and interests through different tests and games at:


The best-selling job-hunting book, What Color is Your Parachute? is a practical guide that can help you determine your career path.
Another comprehensive website which is designed to help you make smart career decisions is:


Services for Youth

Oyster Bay Works is the recipient of federal funding to provide employment and training services to economically disadvantaged youth 14-21 years of age. The program services both youth that are in and out of School.

In-School Youth (ages 14-21)

In cooperation with several local agencies the program promotes the attainment of pre-employment skills, encourages responsibility and positive social behavior, provides paid work experience within the community, and summer employment opportunities.

Out-of-School Youth (ages 16-24)

The goal of this program is to assist eligible youth to become employed. We provide assistance with General Equivalency Diploma (GED) preparation, entry into vocational training, or entry into post-secondary school. High School graduates and dropouts may acquire workplace skills through paid internships in both the public and private sector. High School dropouts seeking a GED and employment have the opportunity to work individually or in small groups on GED preparation and business skills. Job placement assistance and additional services are available.

Contact Phil Fortuna (1-516-797-4583) for more information.